Through God All Things Are Possible!

Do you truly believe it? With God ALL things are possible? I know for me it took a while and that phrase is still something I struggle with from time to time. I know it in my head but sometimes my heart, when it is breaking or angry has a very hard time trusting in those words: ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.  The bible doesn’t say some, but it says ALL!

How do you believe this?
  I ask “how” because I feel that to know that all things are possible requires action.   You don’t just believe what it says but you live it, you breath it, and you share it. 

It is easy to put this phrase into action when consoling someone else, or when your world seems pretty steady.
  What about the times when you aren’t so steady?  The bills are piling up, your kids are sick, work has you on overload, you are exhausted, you are having drama with the ex, possibly drama in a new relationship, you are struggling with depression and guilt and maybe you feel lonely.  Any of those sound familiar? The list of struggles can go on and on.  When in those times are you leaning on the phrase: “with God ALL things are possible”?

Is this really a hard thing to grasp? I think that Satan waits
(1 Peter 5:8) to take these opportunities to cloud the reality that no matter what the situation, our God is still on the throne!  A very wise lady (Mrs. LuAnne Crane) says those words very often and I will never release them from my heart.  “Our God is still on the throne!”  What an exclamation of victory!  You are still God’s child and He knows everything you endure and YES He will make all things possible.  They aren’t always in the way that we imagine or in our timing but how great is His promise to us! Ephesians 3:20  Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.

Have victory over all of your situations through God’s promise!


  1. Amen!! Thanks for the reminder! God is forever on the throne!! :D

  2. Hi Meg! I have read your blogs and thank you for your honesty. I'm curious how many readers are praying for their ex spouse to come to know the Lord and have a desire for restoration in their marriage. Maybe this could be a new topic for your blog? I was married for 61/2 years w a 3 yr old and a 4mo old when my husband come to me and said he wasn't in love with me anymore. He left the house, for a few weeks. We went to two marriage counselling session (which as most people know isn't near enough to help), because my husband didn't want to go back. My husband left for good in May of 2007. he did not file for divorce for 1 1/2 years later and it was final in sept 2009. He was involved with another woman. I believe to this day that he would not have left our marriage had he not met her. Since that time he has been verbally hateful to me, very harsh and not nice. This was a man would treated me like a princess when we were married. Neither if us were Christian at the time. Since the divorce I have become a Christian, thank The Lord. I am praying for my exhusband to become saved. For God to end the wrong relationship and for God to restore our marriage. God has blessed me w a beautiful friend whos marraige was restored after 7 years of divorce. I have read a book where a marriage was restored "I Do Again". I believe this is what God wants for us all! I also believe we as a whole don't wait for God to change the heart of the other spouse. We think getting into another relationship will take the pain away. I believe another relationship is a bandaid for the pain. Only God can heal these kind of painful broken hearts. It can also be harmful to the children involved as I have seen in my own children. The other woman has put a wedge between my daughter (who is now 8) & I. My exhusband says she has been good for my daughter. That is painful to hear! How can another woman who tore up our family & hers be good for my daughter. Wouldn't it be better for my daughter to see her parents work on their relationship and reconcile? I believe God is going to restore our marriage. I am choosing to wait upon The Lord. During my wait I am struggling with discontent and lack of joy, which I have only recently been convicted of. Which is also a sign of not trusting in God. I believe all things are possible w God. Thank you for letting me share.
