God is God and I Am Not

After a very stressful week in all departments of my life, I find myself listening to this song by Steven Curtis Chapman, God is God and am reminded at how little I know about the big picture in my life and situation and just how little control I have over it.

If you have encountered divorce, or single parenting you will be the first to stand with me when I say that you have to submit daily to Christ and to what will "be" from day to day.  As a good friend of mine said, he sits in his chair at the end of each day and says, "We did it.  We made it through another day."  For him, everyday feels like this and for most of us, we can relate.

I remember in college, having high hopes and aspirations of what I wanted my life to look like when I hit my 30's.  My life is absolutely not at all like I had imagined.  Although I would change my situation of being a single parent in a heartbeat if given the chance, I also acknowledge that God has used what became of my life and turned it into an amazing journey of faith and hope. 

Each day I get to wake up to God's calling on my life and situation. I've met so many amazing people who are going through this same journey and it brings joy to my soul to have that deep connection.  What the world intends for evil, God makes good!

We don't always understand what God is doing with us when He places us in situations that do not make sense to us, but trust me that from my experiences, He knows exactly what He is doing.  Everything will work for good for those who trust in Him! 


  1. A simple...yet profound thought. Thanks for the reminder, Meg.

  2. Simple...yet so profound! Thanks for the reminder, Meg.

  3. As a retired teacher and single mother of three since the youngest was a baby, I can attest that God does help moment-by-moment. If you remain faithful to the charge He has given you and keep communication with Him and your kids open and honest, He rewards in the end. We went through some really tough times (with very little sleep!), but my adult kids are a testament to what God can do as their Father in spite of my many failures. Keep on through tears and smiles and praise Him for each little blessing!
